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How to Create Content About Your Business Tools
Your objective as an affiliate marketer is to promote your products and tools for which you have an affiliate link. However, each social media platform has specific sections with character limits where you can place your affiliate links.
Types of content you can create to share your tools are blog posts, videos, infographics, emails, or banner ads. You can begin with a video on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube about the pros vs. cons of one of the business tools you are an affiliate for. Create an infographic with step-by-step details on how to use your business tool and share it as an image on your social media profile page.
Now, if you don’t have any affiliate tools you use right now, that’s okay; you can always talk or write a post about your favorite resource that you use for running your online business.
TIP! Always provide your affiliate link to your content, and if your link is too long, you can use some type of URL shortener like or
Let your creativity flow, and have fun!