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How to Share Your Story of Overcoming A Struggle
There are 4 reasons why this type of content is super important to share with your social media followers:
1. Introduces you as the “Leader” – When you share a story that will reveal a side of you that you never show, which is that vulnerability side, this will transfer into the inspiration your audience is looking for by reading and watching your content.
2. Builds up your “Courage” – When you post this type of content, it is considered by your audience the most courageous thing that you have ever done since they started following your profile or channel.
3. Shows the public you are “Human” – Successful people are admired and followed because their audience perceives them as someone with more luck, education, and talent, but this is not the case. The truth is through this type of content, and you are showing your audience that you are not someone with special abilities. You are human, just like them
4. You are teaching valuable “Life Lessons” – Your story of overcoming a personal struggle has hidden life lessons that is of immense value your audience will learn from you. Think about how your story will connect with a future client or customer as it might be something they must hear as they go through a similar circumstance, and your story inspires them to make a lifestyle change.