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Your Journey Begins Here…

The following are a few simple but powerful steps that will help you get maximum benefit (and profit) from this video training program:

Step 1: Schedule Study Time Daily

The main challenge many people have after purchasing a training product like this one is in “consuming” it. Without scheduling time in your daily schedule to go through the training, you’ll wind up letting time slip by without ever watching a single moment of the videos. It’s important… right now… to schedule a minimum of 30 minutes per day to watch the videos and review the training.

This may require you to get up 30 minutes earlier, stay up 30 minutes later than normal, or turn off the TV and spend 30 minutes of your regular viewing time going through this training. Right now, decide on a specific time each day that you can commit to watching these training videos and taking notes. Then – set reminders (on your smartphone or computer) to assist you in remembering to keep your appointment with yourself.

If you’ll take these steps now – and follow through – you’ll get thousands of dollars worth of real-life value out of the training you’re about to go through.

Step 2: Create a Training Binder

As you go through the training, you’ll want to turn this digital product into a physical one. Get a 3-ring binder to hold the transcripts and your notes. Print out the transcripts (under the “Transcripts” tab) – and place them in the binder. As you go through the videos, make sure to take notes on the points that are important to you. Once you’ve gone through the entire video series, add your notes to your binder. You’ll now have a physical training binder that you can refer to as necessary – and will become a permanent (and valuable) part of your wealth-building library.

Step 3: Take Immediate Action

Once you’ve reviewed the entire training program, it’s imperative that you take immediate action. Even a small action, taken quickly, can help you create the momentum needed to profit from this training.

Perfection is not required to succeed with the methods you’ll find inside the video training series. As the saying goes, “Done is better than perfect.” Simply get started – and learn from your actions. Myself and others who use the methods you’ll find inside this video training series did things “imperfectly” at the beginning. But even imperfect actions can get powerful results. Over time, by putting these methods into action and learning from our results, we became better and ultimately “owned” these skills. It all starts with small, simple actions taken immediately.

Step 4: Do, Then Teach

To really “own” a skill, you need to teach a skill. In the network marketing profession, you actually get paid a lot of money by sharing your knowledge with your distributors and overall network. However, the additional benefit is that you develop a higher level of expertise as you teach others these skills. If you want to become an expert at advertising co-ops… and create a potential income of $50,000 to $100,000 PER MONTH (or more)… start teaching these ad co-op methods to those you recruit into your opportunity.