(Sample ‘Swipe’ at the bottom of the page)
Quality Clicks
Solo Premium Ad Vendors
With a Solo ad, all you’re doing is sending your ‘ad’ to someone
else’s ‘list‘ or ‘newsletter‘.
Plus, it’s really simple to get started…
1) Contact a list owner
2) Submit your ad
3) Pay & watch the traffic flow in.
Possible Subject Lines:
How to create a ‘buyer frenzy’
How to make $6 for every lead
New funnel here… (crazy conversions)
How to get free leads on a daily basis
How I get free leads every day
How to get free leads daily
Sample email ‘Swipe’ for Lead Lightning:
Call me crazy, but I’ll be really surprised
if you don’t take me up on this:
Get ready for a buying frenzy!
Are you kidding me… $6 for every lead?
I had a gentleman this morning begging
me to explain what this new funnel is all
He heard about how he could make $6 bucks
for every lead he generated.
Here’s what I told him…
Go watch the video and grab your system
while it’s still online.
Talk soon,
[your first name] [your last name]
[your phone]
Sample email ‘Swipe’ for Free Lead System:
Hey [FName],
How would you like to get free leads
for life without EVER paying a dime
for the system itself?
This new system works like crazy and
the best part… you can get it right
now for absolutely nothing…
[Your Link]
Go ahead. You’ll love it!
[Your name]
P.S. Get yours while you still can…
[Your Link]
Hey [FName],
I just found out about an amazing new
way to generate fresh leads on a daily
So let me ask you…
How would you like to get free leads
for life without EVER paying a dime
for the system itself?
Go ahead. You can get yours right here…
[Your Link]
You’ll love it!
[Your name]
P.S. You can start using it immediately..
[Your Link]
Hey [FName],
I just found out about an amazing new
system to get free leads every day.
Seriously, it works like crazy and
you’ll never pay a dime for it.
Grab yours here…
[Your Link]
You’ll love it, I promise!
[Your name]
P.S. You can start using it immediately.
[Your Link]
Hey [FName],
I love it when I hear about a great idea
that really works.
It’s an amazing new way to get free leads
on a daily basis.
(and it works surprisingly well)
[Your Link]
Seriously, you HAVE to try it!
[Your name]
P.S.What are you waiting for?…
[Your Link]